No, not yet. Even though the reality of the phenomenon is obvious to anyone who bothers to do his basic research, we still don't have a smoking gun, some kind of evidence or mass sighting that by itself would be enough to persuade the world beyond a reasonable doubt.
However, as we scroll through the massive amount of historical evidence and testimonies we could actually try to build an easy to grasp case for UFO existence, and maybe the conspiracy as well, in just 5 basic points. Ready? Here we go.
1. They are plausible.
At least 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone, which is one of hundreds of million of galaxies in the universe,
and many Exoplanets are found by astronomers.The universe is not only big in unimaginable ways, it also allows countless opportunities for life to develop.
Nowadays we witness a paradigm shift in the scientific community, as the idea that the universe is teeming with life has become mainstream, and scientists are willing to openly discuss it.
Craig Venter on life materials exchange between earth and mars, and on 'human contamination' life in space
Neil deGrasse Tyson: 'To say life on earth is unique in the universe would be inexcusably egocentric'.
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