Showing posts with label NASA UFO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA UFO. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

ISS UFO Again - Thoughts on the International Space Station Live Feed UFOs

For the millionth time in recent years the live feed from the ISS provides us UFO images. What are they? Why NASA still keeps the Internet live feed online? And when will we get some straight answers?

NASA didn't leave the UFO community without a Christmas present as we got fresh UFO images coming from the International Space Station yesterday. The object captured, not very special in form or movement, was added to the enormous amounts of video evidence originating from the same source in the last few years, leaving us with many questions that must be answered.

1. What are these UFOs?
They are probably the same kind of objects that we get to see here on earth, so the question of their nature still remains unanswered. Aliens from another solar system? Time travelers? inter-dimensional beings? any of these answers are possible, including the possibility that at least some of them are just space-junk, or natural phenomena occurring in space.

2. If they are aliens, why NASA keeps this feed on?
It was rumored in the late 1990's that NASA began to delay their space-shuttle web live feeds after a series of recorded UFO appearances, I don't know if this was ever officially announced but recent sightings prove that it was probably wrong. Anyway, the live feed became an integral part of the space program and I'm not sure that they can change that without raising eyebrows and being asked some difficult questions at this point.
Keeping things just as they are means no significant trouble for them. The mainstream media will continue to ignore the situation and the UFO community's voice will not be heard. I'm pretty sure that even as we speak the guys at NASA are trying to find out a way to make the 'black' part of space dark at all times, no matter if a UFO appears, so that this problem which is getting a bit more attention now, and might cause NASA difficulties down the road, will be taken care of.

3. When will we get some straight answers?
When we demand them. Write a letter to congress (an email counts, too), post and tweet on the net, make your voice heard.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Amazing UFO Image Taken aboard International Space Station - ISS

Another incredible UFO image capture by astronauts aboard the ISS (International Space Station), and posted by NASA in its website. 

This UFO looks like a craft of some sort, definitely solid body and clear 'science fiction space ship' like structure. All that is left is just to ask for some kind of reaction from NASA to this unusual presence near the space station, although i wouldn't count on it, these guys will never admit it and find find some kind of an excuse.

Here is a link to the original photo at the NASA website:

Friday, October 12, 2012

UFO near ISS Caught on NASA live Stream

A UFO was caught on the International Space Station (ISS) Internet live stream on October 10, 2012.
The craft appeared during a routine docking procedure at the station and looked like having two bright lights or was made of two orbs.

Check our new website: