Eyewitness testimony:
"I was taking a
break from writing and went out to our rooftop for some fresh air,
which has an excellent view of the mountains north of Burbank. I saw
this white object in the sky. It was very apparent. At first I thought
maybe an airplane, but it didn't appear to be moving so I called my
wife. We grabbed our cameras and began to take video and photos of the
object. I expected to see an airliner in the pictures, but it wasn't. It
hovered in one spot for about 5 minutes and then headed Northwest over
the mountains. It was communicated to me, telepathically, that an orb
had been released. It wasn't until we reviewed our photos later that we
actually saw the orb in a photo. I felt calm and excited. As I have a
connection with them and see craft frequently. Just the night before I
saw a large craft hover silently over me without any lights while I was
walking my dogs. This was the first time I ever caught them on camera
and I wanted to share. We lost sight of the object when it was very
distant from us. I am not sure if it dematerialized or just left my
range of sight."
Credit: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/