Wednesday, December 26, 2012

ISS UFO Again - Thoughts on the International Space Station Live Feed UFOs

For the millionth time in recent years the live feed from the ISS provides us UFO images. What are they? Why NASA still keeps the Internet live feed online? And when will we get some straight answers?

NASA didn't leave the UFO community without a Christmas present as we got fresh UFO images coming from the International Space Station yesterday. The object captured, not very special in form or movement, was added to the enormous amounts of video evidence originating from the same source in the last few years, leaving us with many questions that must be answered.

1. What are these UFOs?
They are probably the same kind of objects that we get to see here on earth, so the question of their nature still remains unanswered. Aliens from another solar system? Time travelers? inter-dimensional beings? any of these answers are possible, including the possibility that at least some of them are just space-junk, or natural phenomena occurring in space.

2. If they are aliens, why NASA keeps this feed on?
It was rumored in the late 1990's that NASA began to delay their space-shuttle web live feeds after a series of recorded UFO appearances, I don't know if this was ever officially announced but recent sightings prove that it was probably wrong. Anyway, the live feed became an integral part of the space program and I'm not sure that they can change that without raising eyebrows and being asked some difficult questions at this point.
Keeping things just as they are means no significant trouble for them. The mainstream media will continue to ignore the situation and the UFO community's voice will not be heard. I'm pretty sure that even as we speak the guys at NASA are trying to find out a way to make the 'black' part of space dark at all times, no matter if a UFO appears, so that this problem which is getting a bit more attention now, and might cause NASA difficulties down the road, will be taken care of.

3. When will we get some straight answers?
When we demand them. Write a letter to congress (an email counts, too), post and tweet on the net, make your voice heard.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

UFOs over Vancouver, December 8 - Video Analysis

Very beautiful UFO lights captured by video over Vancouver, Canada. Is this an authentic video? according to my analysis that's probably right, but it doesn't mean it is of alien origins.

The video was taken on December 8 by a local BMX freestyle enthusiast, who described the lights as red,  silent and flickering as if on fire.
Judging by the video poster's description and the way one of the lights falls down as if extinguished immediately in the beginning of the video it is more than logical to assume that these were indeed Chinese lanterns and not anything of alien origins.
Not trying to disparage any one's opinion, I'm just offering mine - So don't worry, next time we will get them!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

UFO over Mexico - The Significance of Homemade UFO Videos

As the amount of UFO homemade videos grows larger by the day, the case for UFOs becomes stronger.

Thousands of homemade UFO videos have been taken and published over the years, and there are so many sites and blogs that host large numbers of them (although trying to find an authentic UFO by searching in YouTube is quite a difficult task).
As they are gathered so does the case for UFOs grows stronger by the day, and nowadays it is quite difficult to deny the phenomenon is real just by the huge numbers of photographic and video evidence out there.

Today's great video comes from Mexico, currently the world's leading UFO hotspot. The YouTube poster didn't specify where it was taken but we know that this fast flying cigar shaped object was sighted on December 6, 2012.
Another video Piled up, keep em coming!


Saturday, December 15, 2012

No Charges Against Gary McKinnon, UFO Hacker - Lucky to Live in a Democracy

Crown Prosecution Service decided against a court indictment in the case of UFO hacker, Gary McKinnon. No matter the official reason, he is lucky to live in sort of a real democracy and not in what the American government calls a justice system.

Almost eight years after his initial arrest under the charges of hacking American government and military computers under his solo effort to find out the truth about UFOs, Gary McKinnon learned today that the British prosecution will not file a court indictment in his case, officially for technical reasons.
The first decision by the British authorities, not to extradite him, was the original political statement against the US approach in this subject, and today's decision is just a natural resumption of the same policy.

File:Gary McKinnon.jpg
Gary McKinnon 
(Wikimedia Commons:Wilsha)

By doing so the Brits acknowledge that in the US McKinnon's fate would be up to 60 years in jail, all in an attempt to prompt a real disclosure of information in a subject that is first and for most in realm of the public right to know. You can't prevent access to the most important scientific discovery of all time and then punish those who try to reveal your crimes.
But most important is McKinnon's personal condition, the man suffer from Asperger's Syndrome, and is not fully fit to take responsibility for his actions, but the US government was never going to think twice before charging him.

McKinnon is lucky to have been born in the UK, if he were to be an American we all know what was waiting for him.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Not So Funny - Medvedev's UFO Joke

Dmitry Medvedev decided it was funny to respond with a joke when asked about UFOs, I didn't find it particularly funny or intelligent. Actually, the joke is on us, and on the Russian people.

Prime minister Medvedev had this one up his sleeve, he knew this will be his planned response whenever a question on this subject will pop-up, and indeed he got his chance when a reporter asked him whether he has any knowledge about aliens visiting our planet.

File:Dmitry Medvedev.jpg
Medvedev (

He choose to show his ignorant side, a side that was not familiar with the thousands of credible witnesses, or to the comprehensive investigating efforts made through the years. He exposed the fact that the old paradigm, in which UFOs are a laughing matter considered not-serious, is still part of his media conception. 

What he forgot is that in our age people have access to other sources of information other than the Mogul controlled media, and that his lies on TV are an open lie, exposed to anyone with the ability to write 'Senator Richard Russell UFO in Russia' in the Google search box.

The Russian public will not cheer for Mr. Medvedev's joke, they will be outrage of his attempt to mislead them. But something good may just come out of this whole farce, we can now be sure, more then ever before - They have something to hide.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Grand Blanc, Michigan UFO - ET or Commercial Plane?

Multiple UFO sites and blogs have reported this UFO sighting video over Michigan. Is it a genuine UFO or could it be explained in conventional means?

Last week, Jeff Holko, a local resident of Grand Blanc, Michigan, captured two bright yellow lights with his cell phone. The two lights turned into three lights as they moved across the sky.

At first glance the lights do seem to resemble classic UFO sightings - stationary or slowly moving\hovering, with no sound made, hiding what might be a solid structure behind them. 
Later on an article was published on, interviewing photo and video expert Marc Dantonio, who was quite sure as he said the sighting is 'near 100 percent certainty a commercial aircraft during landing'.
It could be more than easy to verify Mr. Dantonio's claims, just go back to the sighting site and see it is indeed on the landing route of a commercial airport. Until that is done this video shows what should be labeled a genuine UFO.

If any updates will surface I will bring them here, have a great Sunday!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

UFO Light over London, UK - December 2. 2012

UFO light over Hyde Park, London. Taken December 2, 2012, during a visit in Winter Wonderland, and posted on YouTube today.
No extra description was given by the video poster.

This glowing object could be a lantern or any other man-made hovering light, and can't be unequivocally labeled alien or anything out of this world. I will re-post if any explanation will be given.
It is important for me to emphasis that I'm not trying to create demoralization in the UFO community, but it is the scientific aspect of UFO study is the thing that will give it credibility, and that should be our motivation in examining such videos. There are too many UFO videos such as the one in this post that haven't been explained, and they alone make the case for UFOs and the ETH (Extra Terrestrial Hypothesis).
Have a great day!

Matt J.B.