An show called Spacing Out! brings interviews from the ground at the National Atomic Testing Museum where a UFO conference and panel were held a week ago, September 22.
Even though UFO secrets were promised, but not revealed during the event, an intelligent and open discussion of the UFO phenomena was held. So, check out this interesting 47 minutes long video, among the special guests are panel members Col. Charles Halt, Col. Bill Coleman, Col. John Alexander, Col. Robert Friend and Nick Pope.
A google street view inquiry in Jacksonville, Texas got an American woman this result:
Is it a UFO? possibly. Other options like a lens flare or other atmospheric phenomena should also be considered. I will try to keep an eye for any earthly explanations if they should surface, and see if they could provide any kind of answer. Until then, we have a genuine UFO in our hands.
Lord Martin Rees, the Royal Astronomer, was in the center of the UFO world last week as he was quoted saying that 'we will find alien life in the next 40 years', and was favorably mentioned in this blog.
But this positive view of scientific feature discoveries was sided with a less friendly sentence on UFOs, written in a Huffington Post article: "No serious astronomer gives any credence to any of those stories".
Martin Rees
Well, obviously Mr. Rees haven't heard of a fellow named J. Allen Hynek...
Dan Mack wrote a wonderful response post in the same website: >Read it here.
National Geographic has commissioned a new UFO show from an exterior production company. Lets hope this time it we will have a proper, intelligent handle of the UFO issue as in the past we have seen really bad shows that created a reputation problem to the phenomena and people that are involved with it.
Ever since the days of the Robertsn Panel the American people and the rest of the world have been fed disinformation through the mainstream media, will this show be the start of a new era of UFO media coverage?
Developing story: finally we have word on what was discussed in this much anticipated UFO conference.
Last Saturday, 22 September, The National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas hosted a conference titled: 'Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed'. A great line up of speakers was assembled and a serious, in depth discussion was held but no 'smoking gun' new evidence was presented as it was falsely promised by the organizers..
Air Force Col. (ret.) Charles T. Halt openly accused the US government of covering up UFO evidence, and that a secret, compartmentalized, government agency investigates and handles the all that involves the UFO phenomena.
Interesting comments were made by former head of project 'Blue Book', the US Air Force UFO investigating project, Col. Robert Friend: "my primary explanation for these things is that, yes, they're real...".
In conclusion, no ground breaking evidence or testimonies were given, but another open and intelligent discussion on the phenomena was held, and this time in the distinguished establishment of the National Atomic Testing Museum. It was only unnecessary to promote the event with such false promises for UFO secrets to be revealed, especially if you have such a serious and reliable line up of speakers in your arsenal.
This is an article from my upcoming website, I hope you will find it interesting.
They boldly went where no man has gone before, exploring the greatest frontier of our times, and apparently saw some extraordinary things while doing so. UFO reports by astronauts are not uncommon, yet because they are NASA employees we can be certain that the reports they filed remain classified and kept hidden from the public eye.
What's true to all ex-officials reporting their knowledge and experience regarding UFOs is that it's their own courage and integrity to speak out that made it possible for us to hear to full story. If it was up to the government to decide, we would never know anything about it, which leaves us wondering how many of these men still remain silent with some of the greatest stories ever not to be told.
Leroy Gordon Cooper (March 6, 1927 – October 4 2004), an American aeronautical engineer and a test pilot who became part of Project Mercury, the first manned space effort by the US. Cooper was the first American to sleep in space, and broke several other space flight records during his active Astronaut career.
In 1951, while stationed Landstuhl Air Base in West Germany, Cooper had his first encounter with a UFO craft. During one of his routine flights over European skies, Cooper saw a number of UFOs flying above his plain in what he describes as the same formation as the one the US Air Force planes were in, but much faster and way higher in altitude. Saucer in shape, and metallic looking, the UFOs performed maneuvers that were impossible for man made aircrafts to perform. He also mentioned that these kind of sightings were not uncommon for pilots to report during those days.
In 1957, Cooper was assigned o the Fighter Section of the Experimental Flight Test Engineering Division at Edwards Air Force Base in California, were he acted as a project manager and test pilot.
On May 3rd of the same year he send two men crew under his command to install sophisticated precision landing system cameras on a dry lake bed, meant to take pictures at one frame per second as aircraft landed, using both motion and still cameras. Later that day the crew reported to Cooper with an astonishing story, they encountered a “strange looking saucer” on the test site.
They told Cooper of the craft that hovered over them, pulled out three landing gears and landed 50 yards away from them but made absolutely no sound. They immediately approached to get some more pictures of the saucer, this time from close up, when the UFO took off.
Cooper looked through the regulation book in order to find who he needs to call in order to file such a report, and found the special Pentagon number for incidents of this kind. He was eventually instructed by a General to have the film developed but make no prints of it, and send it right away to Washington. As he was not ordered to refrain from looking at the negatives before sending them away he did so. What he saw he describes as good quality images, as would be expected by the accomplished photographers that took them, that contained exactly what his crew men described. He did not see the movie film before it was all sent away to Washington by airplane.
Cooper expected to be questioned again about the incident, assuming that the Air Force would conduct an official investigation to the matter, but to his surprise there was no further contact with any Air Force Officer regarding that incident.
An unidentified Flying Object landed in the middle of a top secret US Air Force flight test base and there was no official investigation what so ever, imagine that.
Cooper also mentioned he had not seen any UFOs during his time as a Mercury and Gemini space program.
In 1976 he wrote a letter to the UN, asking assistance in making the UFO issue known to citizens of the world.
'There is a cabal of insiders that stopped briefing presidents about extraterrestrials after President Kennedy'. Well, that's a truly fantastic claim, but when it comes from Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (born 1930) it might get some people to consider its seriousness. (The St. Petersburg Times, 2004)
Mitchell, himself a Navy pilot and an aeronautical engineer had the honor of being the 6thman to walk the surface of the moon, tells of what he calls 'credible sources' within the pentagon and foreign countries that shared their knowledge of the UFO phenomenon. He claims that not only that UFOs are visiting, the US and other governments have made contact with them and are studying alien technology and physiology, while conspiring to hide the existence of the visitors.
Dr. Mitchell is not the usual NASA Astronaut type, an epiphany he had on the way back to earth from his Apollo moon mission made him more likely to share his UFO (and other new-age) knowledge publicly, a striking realization of our existence looking down on earth from outer space could put things back in proportion, I guess.
The most interesting of all testimonies was given by former Astronauts Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin (born 1930). The Second man to step on the Moon's surface is by no means a UFO buff, from time to time he is still doing public relations work for NASA, still well connected to the system he was once part of he had no intention becoming a whistleblower of any sort. His testimony was given during an interview he made to a documentary film titled First on the Moon: The Untold Story, Aldrin described an Unidentified object that travelled along Apollo 11 as it is headed to the moon, it was close enough to be seen be the naked eye, and when fellow Astronaut Mike Powell decided to examine the object through the telescope he described it to be metallic and 'L' shaped in appearance.
According to Aldrin the Astronauts decided amongst themselves not to report this back to mission control. “We weren’t about to do that, cause we know that those transmissions would be heard by all sorts of people and who knows what somebody would have demanded that we turn back because of Aliens or whatever the reason is...” The Astronauts eventually reported the incident while they debriefed back on earth after accomplishing their mission.
Aldrin was probably trying to cooperate with the director as much as he could and seemingly didn't realize at the time what impact such a story might have, If an object is able to travel along Apollo 11 that would mean it was an intelligently controlled craft, this would also confirm that NASA is conspiring to hide this information from the public.
Aldrin later tried to revert back from this statement and while making an appearance in 'Larry King Live' on CNN he claimed the object in question is 99% the 'S-IVB' (the final stage of the rocket Apollo 11 was launched by) that the astronauts asked mission control about, but in First on the Moon: The Untold Story Aldrin had a much different version of things:
“They told us it (the S-IVB) was something like it was 6000 miles away... we didn't think we were looking at something that was that far away”.
Major Donald 'Deke' Slayton (1924-1993) was an American bomber and test pilot, who was originally selected to the Mercury missions, the first manned space effort by NASA. He was part of the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz space mission.
Slayton had a UFO encounter in 1951, during one of his many test flight.
"I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at about 10,000 feet on a nice, bright, sunny afternoon. I thought the object was a kite, then realized that no kite is gonna [sic] fly that high. As I got closer, it looked like a weather balloon, gray and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got behind the darn thing, it didn't look like a balloon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disc. About that same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me - and there I was, running at about 300 miles an hour. I tracked it for a little while, and then all of sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45-degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared. A couple of days later, I was having a beer with my commanding officer, and I thought, 'what the hell, I'd better mention something to him about it.' I did, and he told me to get on down to intelligence and give them a report. I did, and I never heard anything more on it." (National Enquirer, October 23, 1979.)
Two thoughts that came to mind after going through all the information on this subject.
1. Why isn't the main stream media demand straight answers after such critical evidence and testimonies are presented?
2. Our tax payer funded space programs seem to hold out the information they have (quite easy when there is no real public and media pressure). We paid for it, we deserve to know.
This disc shaped object was caught by webcam pointed in the direction of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan.
In what seems to be an authentic video, this UFO appears in only 1 frame.
Speaking at a debate on the meaning of life for the launch of Professor Stephen Hawking's new TV show, Martin Rees was quoted by UFO News Today as saying 'Alien life to be discovered in the next 40 years'.
In a new Guardian article he gives a more in depth look on what he thinks on the subject.
In the last few days this video is circulating through the UFO Internet scene, allegedly portraying a UFO hovering outside the international space station (ISS). The footage was taken from the ISS Internet live feed, and according to the YouTube uploader NASA changed to a different angled camera as soon as the object appeared.
However, in an article published in, Marc D'Antonio (chief photo and video analyst for MUFON) has declared that the video is only showing a window reflection, and not a 'mother ship' UFO.
NASA stopped responding to alleged UFO videos shot by its own cameras, but in the past has adimmited the such objects were seen and videotaped (0:31):
A very interesting video coming from Athens, Greece. A flashing, colored UFO moving around in a very unorthodox way. Around 7:00min the object begins flashing.
There are so many fake videosour there that I try to filter before posting here, this one seems to be genuine.
Shot in New York City (originally uploaded August 31), apparently while filming for some other purpose on board a Helicopter above either the Hudson or East River, a UFO was caught flying behind the sky scraper.
Developing story: National Atomic Testing Museum UFO panel promised to reveal military UFO secrets, Col. Bill Coleman of Air Force UFO investigation project 'Blue Book' says he will do just that.
“I’m 89. I won’t be around much longer,” says Coleman as he explains the reason he will share his UFO related knowledge in the UFO panel to be held September 22 in Las Vegas. Sounds quite promising although Coleman had cooperated with UFO documentaries in the past, and already shared some of his experiences during his days as 'Blue Book's public relations officer.
I will continue to bring updates on this intriguing event as they happen, and of course cover the event itself, 6 days from today.
Developing story: The Baltic Sea anomaly, also known as the Baltic sea UFO still remains an unexplained phenomena. A new theory assumes Nazi connection.
A retired Swedish submarine expert speculates the anomaly might be a Nazi anti-submarine device, created to block signals from Allied forces submarines in the Baltic Sea during world war II.
As this thing is still considered of unknown origins, a Swedish Prof. of geology claims the structure has probably started to form thousands of years ago, and is completely a natural occurrence.
The researches who took on the investigation are looking for more funding in order to continue their work, but right now no further developments are expected as all research activity had stopped.
Filmed by hikers during sunset, this object was described to be moving left and right before rising up against the wind direction.
It could be some kind of atmospheric or astronomical phenomena, but all explanations are still possible. I will update if there will be more on this sighting.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Alien Life to be Discovered Within the Next 40 Years, Says Top Astronomer
Martin Rees, former head of the Royal Society and a leading astronomer believes extra terrestrial life will be found by science in the next 40 years.
In his former position he was incharge with offering advice and updates on scientific issues and developments to the British queen, a 'royal astronomer'.
Wonderful UFO captured over the UK, spinning in what seems to be quite a controlled fashion.
Poster described a dark non metallic object, 'symetrical and uniform in shape'. The UFO appears in full at around 0:44 into to video.
Physics Nobel Prize Winner: 'Don't Contact the Aliens'
Yet another physicist insists it is a bad idea to try and contact alien civilizations. "Theencounter with aliens may not be a happy one". After Prof. Hawking warned us in the past, it is now Nobel laureate Brian P. Schmidt who warns us about the 'bad aliens'. Schmidt, probably an intelligent person, forgot that we have been sending light speed EM signals to space for the past century, so the chance to 'hide' ourselves is long gone with all those 'I Love Lucy' episodes floating through our galaxy.
Moreover, as a physicist he must know that creatures of such technological abilities, who are able to travel between planets, will most likely have the technology to create any natural resource they need. So we can relax, it is logical to assume we will not be conquered for our natural Minerals by blood thirsty extra-terrestrials.
Local news report on a UFO sighting by the Campbell River, Vancouver, Canada. 5 Strange red lights moving slowly across the skies were seen by several people in the last few weeks. A military base was notified, and the army Captain who responded told of no special activity that is known to them at that time.
UFO over a Football Field
Seems to come from the US, no further details yet, but quite an interesting video:
Thursday, September 6, 2012
A Look at UFOs in Art and History
An interesting video I came across, a collection of UFO as they are portraied through art and history. Check it out for some jaw dropping and thought provoking images.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
UFO Over Cambridge, UK
an interesting video coming from England. It looks good but still unknown whether it is authentic or fake.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Best UFO Sightings of August 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
'UFO Secrets' to be Revealed?
Some UFO related 'secrets' are to be revealed in Las Vages this month, at least that's the way a special lecture at the 'National Atomic Testing museum' is being promoted. The lecture is scheduled to Spetember 22nd, With well known speakers as Col. Charles Halt (Bentwaters-Randlesham Forest incident), Nick Pope (former British MOD UFO hunter) and Col. Robert Friend - former head of project Blue Book, the US Air Force UFO investigating project (a debunker).
I promise to keep eyes on this event and update if anything other than public relations efforts appears.
May 19th. 1986, multiple UFOs were seen, tracked by radar, and chased by Brazilian Air Force fighter jets. In this slow UFO news night we can take a look back at one of the most amazing, certified and documented UFO incidents of all times, yet still one of the least known, at least in English speaking parts of the world.
Brazilian TV coverage of the events (English subs):